
The spirit of DIPSER is guided by the following beautiful lines that beckon women to learn and illuminate the world with their light of knowledge and compassion

“Oh Women of the Land
Come, to learn and go to teach,
For, in you lies the future of the country,
And the world at large”

Accordingly, DIPSER strives to realize the integration of theory with practice in all aspects of Teacher Education and encourage its sustainable development.

The Vision of DIPSER is to nurture competent, caring and academically superior Teacher-Mothers, who would be fully dedicated to the cause of teaching, serve the Nation with a deep sense of duty and commitment, and be ever conscious of their role as responsible guardians of developing the society through education.


  • To impart Teacher Education for emancipation of girl students, hailing largely from tribal and stressed economic/social background, and enable them to attain a level of respectable self-dependence

  • To add to the strength of value based teacher-mothers in the country so essential for educating and building up humane young members of a redeemed society

  • To create a conducive educational/cultural climate in the College for spontaneous and sustainable development of both teacher and taught, in the process kindling in them a sense of mission – to give caring, committed education to their students

  • To promote mutual bonding among students themselves as well as with teachers, and develop the traits of caring and sharing, as well as purposeful ownership involvement in academic and co-curricular college activities

  • To promote the culture of research and meaningful innovations in the area of Teacher Education