Netarhat Awasiya Vidyalaya also known as NVS. The school was established in 1954. Netarhat Awasiya Vidyalaya is a Female school affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) . It is managed by Indian Trust Singape.
It is an all-boys school affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for Classes 6 to 12. Every year, the Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) conducts an entrance examination for admission in Class 6.
The admission is exclusively open to male students from Jharkhand, aged between 10 and 12 years. The Government of Jharkhand covers the entire expenditure incurred by the school. However, students’ guardians are required to pay a very minimal fees based on their income groups.
Netarhat Awasiya Vidyalaya Highlights
Particular |
Netarhat Vidyalaya |
State |
Jharkhand |
Language Medium |
Hindi |
Official Website | |
Application Timeline |
July to August |
Application Mode |
Online/offline |
Exam/Application Fee |
Free of cost |
Eligibility Criteria for Netarhat Awasiya Vidyalaya
1. Only male students are eligible.
2. Students must have a domicile of Jharkhand.
3. The age limit is 10 to 12 years till the date.
4. Students must have cleared Class 5 examination from a recognised school in Jharkhand.
Applicants need to submit the following documents
1. Residential certificate of Jharkhand
2. Birth certificate
3. Passport size photograph of the applicant
4. Class 5 passing certificate signed by the school headmaster
5. Caste certificate (in the case of Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST)/Other Backward Classes (OBC))
6. Economically Weaker Section (EWS) certificate is mandatory (if the category is selected by the student).
Admission Process
1. Visit the official website of Netarhat at
2. Click on the ‘Click & Apply Online’ link.
3. Under the ‘New Applicant Registration’ section click on ‘Register Here.’
4. Fill in the required details and click on the ‘Submit & Next’ button.
5. Enter the OTP sent on the registered mobile number and click on the ‘Verify OTP’ option.
6. A new page will appear, now go to the ‘Click for application form’ option.
7. Fill in the required applicant’s details in the online form.
8. Click on the‘Submit and Next button.
9. Upload the required documents (residential certificate, birth certificate, photo of candidate, etc.).
10. Now click on the 'Final Submission’ tab.
11. Students will receive an online acknowledgement slip after successful submission of the application form.
12. Save the slip for future reference.
Netarhat Vidyalaya Application Fee
No application or registration fee will be charged by officials. Parents can download or collect the application form from the respective schools by paying the mentioned amount.
Netarhat Entrance Exam 2024 Syllabus
1. The subjects included in the examination are Hindi, Science, Mental ability, Mathematics, and General Knowledge, which covers Life science, Current Affairs, and Social science.
2. After successfully passing the written examination, the selected students must participate in psychological tests and interviews.
3. The final results are announced only after the medical examination of the chosen candidates.